Sisterhood EventsOur Sisterhood Chair is working hard and taking suggestions for sisterhood events. Our girls are excited about spending time together that build a reliable sisterly bond. We like to do activities that help build relationships with one another, while making memories that last a lifetime!
SocialsOur Social Chair is hard at work planning socials for our girls to attend. Our main priority is keeping our girls safe, and networking with fellow Greeks. We have measures in place that ensure our members are safe and comfortable in their environment. Our favorite part about socials is dressing up, playing games and, taking pictures. We always look forward to the next social on our calendar!
FormalArc Pavilion
2040 Park Ave, Chico, CA 95928 Every Semester our Vice President and new members brainstorm, organize and oversee the semesters formal. Girls look forward to our bi-annual formal, giving them a chance to get dressed up, have dinner and dance with their sisters. Each semester formal is a way we honor the current pledge's and their success in our pledging process. Formal is even put together with the hard work from our new members. They work diligently creating a theme for their fellow Alphie's to make memories and dance the night away.
Parent's WeekendAlpha Chi House
393 East 4th Street, Chico, CA 95928 Every Spring, our Vice President works with a committee to plan, coordinate and oversee Parent's Weekend. This is a great opportunity for the Parents of our members to come visit them at their home away from home. We have activities planned and suggestions so our sisters can show their families what Chico has to offer. This is great time for our members families to get to know one another and celebrate at our big yellow house on East 4th Street.
Senior FarewellFriday, December 6th, 2024Alpha Chi House
Senior Farewell is a time where we honor our graduating seniors. We have a bi-annual pot-luck where sisters bring a dish, and celebrate their time in Alpha Chi. At this event we also have our annual Sisterhood Auction and look at our newly made scrapbook. Our historian works hard during the semester to put this together. This is also where our Vice President gives a gift to our President for all their hard work, determination and leadership throughout the semester. Our President in return gives a gift that will help the Vice President help run future meetings as President.